Archival Policy Of Silverline Technologies Limited
This Policy has been made pursuant to Regulation 30(8) of SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 which requires the Company to disclose on its website all such events or information which is to be disclosed to the Stock Exchanges pursuant to this Regulations. The disclosure made to the Stock Exchanges shall be hosted on the website of the Company for a minimum period of 5 (Five) years and thereafter, as per Archival Policy of the Company, which has to be uploaded on the website of the Company.
The Policy aims to retrieve all disclosures which are made to the stock exchanges after it is hosted on the website of the Company for the period referred herein above by specifying the period as laid down hereunder so as to ensure that the information are available even after the same are de-hosted from the Company’s website.
The Board of Directors may amend the Policy at any time suomoto or subject to any further changes in the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015.
“Board” means the Board of Directors of the Company.
“Designated Person” means a person who will be determined by the Board for retaining the documents under this policy.
“Policy” means Archival Policy of the Board.
“Regulations” means Securities and Exchange Board of India (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 and any amendments thereto.
- This Archival Policy will be known as “Silverline Technologies Limited Archival Policy”, hereinafter referred to as “this Policy”.
- Accordingly, the Board of Directors (the “Board”) of Silverline Technologies Limited (the “Company”) at its meeting held on October 13, 2015 has approved and adopted this Policy in compliance with the regulatory requirements.
- This Policy shall come into effect from the December 01, 2015
- The disclosure made to stock exchange(s) shall be promptly uploaded and hosted on the website of the Company for a minimum period of 5 (Five) years from the date of such hosting on the Website of the Company.
- Thereafter, the information would be archived and would be retained by either of the Designated Person as determined by the Board for a period of 3 (Three) years or such other period as may be decided by the Board, from time to time
- This Policy shall be disclosed on the website of the Company in accordance with SEBI Listing Regulations.
- This policy as amended from time to time shall be made available at the website of the Company.
- The right to interpret/amend/modify this Policy vests in the Board of Directors of the Company.
The Policy shall be enforced with effect from December 01, 2015
Any Executive Director and/or Compliance Officer and in their absence any other Director of the Company shall be authorized to communicate the Policy to all concerned and to ensure the effective implementation thereof.